Fredrick Tax LLC
7101 15th Ave. S.
Richfield, MN 55423
(by appointment only)
Crowdfunding & Taxes
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Don't just be a number at the big box stores! A majority of the tax preparer's salary is commission based! I know; I worked there! The idea at the big chains is to pump you through as fast as possible without digging into all the advantages that the tax code provides. It is not in their best interest to spend additional time helping you or answering your questions. They want you signed and out of there. Not at Fredrick Tax. There is no tax preparer compliance fees, taxes, hidden fees, extra charges for additional forms or additional costs for state returns. You would never get away with that at the chain stores. The fee structure at the majority of tax houses is the more complicated, the more you pay.Here, a very affordable, upfront fee structure makes the process less stressful, so you can get onto the more important things in life.
Our fee structure for tax preparation is simple. Fredrick Tax will listen to the basic tax situation of the client. Once the overall complexity of the return is understood, a flat fee proposal will be given (through email/phone/text/etc). Based on what most clients pay at big chain tax stores, Fredrick Tax mostly charges HALF of that! Most clients will fall into affordable pay buckets of $60, $80, $110, $150, and $200, respectively. This includes all fees (any and all state returns included!). The retail stores charge extra for these services.
Fees for additional services required (such as tax law research, summarizing client data, IRS help, contact with lawyers or other professionals) are charged by the hour. These fees would always be given prior to services provided. Note: payment for individual income tax preparation is due at time of service (C.O.D.). Tax returns will be filed electronically upon receipt of payment.